In 2010, Kevin Gwin created a series of special episodes of the Extra Mile Podcast in which he looked at the Galloway Run-Walk-Run training method.
Following the success of both the training for Kevin, and the popularity of this series of podcasts, Kevin approached Jeff with a view to creating a dedicated series of podcasts talking about Jeff's world famous Run-Walk-Run method.
Jeff was delighted to have the opportunity to work with Kevin again and they went on to create the Extra Mile Podcast Galloway Edition.
As the original Extra Mile Experiment are buried in amongst other episodes of the Extra Mile podcast, this site has been created to make it easier for folks who wish to listen and benefit from the original series of podcasts.
Each episode of the original Extra Mile Experiment is presented on this site, together with built-in players and a subscription links to allows to download the episodes to your favourite MP3 player.
We hope you enjoy these shows!