Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 10


Well, I promised I'd be shutting this "Experiment" gig down with episode 10, so this must be it!!!! Or is it?????

In the Podcast World, that's called a TEASE. Actually, it's called a tease in EVERY world. And boy will you be mad when you listen and figure out you won't get a heck of a lot more information than you had anyway.

I will, however, close down "The Experiment" in this episode and hint at bigger an better things to come.

As always, some very good submissions also.

Enjoy YOUR Extra Mile...

Direct link to show HERE

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 9


As one of my close friends reminds me: "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." --Henry Ford

So I can either view my trip to Chicago as an opportunity or I can jump off a building..... Guess you need to download this episode and listen to find out which I choose!!!

Besides my race report from Chicago, more great updates from your buds as well as probably our last discussion with Jeff Galloway.

Make sure to check out this stuff from this episode and support Jeff for all his FREE help in this podcast!!

The music featured in this show is from, the podsafe music network:

"Run Away" by Alan Woodall Band

Enjoy YOUR Extra Mile...

Direct link to show HERE

Thursday, 7 October 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 8


First of all, I have to apologize for the length of this episode!! It's LLLLLLOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG!! But I had SO much I needed to get into this episode, before I put this "EXPERIMENT" to the test in a few days, that I had little choice. Sorry....

I have to say that, except for the length, and being a guy I believe size doesn't matter, ;-) I am more pleased with the content of this TEME episode than the previous 7. Give a listen and tell me if you agree or not.

Good stuff from this episode you need to check out:
Lastly, it anyone is interested in tracking me, or any of the other 44,999 runners in Chicago this weekend, my bib number is: 14621 and the web site is:

Finish or DNF, I'd like to thank everyone who has downloaded and followed this experiment. the thought that you would give me an hour or more every month of your time is very humbling and I sincerely hope that you have each enjoyed, and more importantly, come away with something that you can use to help you "RUN TILL YOU'RE 100".

The music featured in this show is all from, the podsafe music network :

"Run Away" by Alan Woodall Band

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show here

Thursday, 2 September 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 7


While you are kicking your butt, training hard to make sure you are ready for the BIG day, that is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, don't forget to exercise your brain as well! I mean, unless you plan on leaving it at home for the race!!

Check out what Jeff has to say about this and some other not-to-be-missed stuff in this episode of The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment.

Submissions from our Guinea Pigs too!!!

Stuff to keep you busy on the internet until our next episode:

Enjoy Your Extra Mile

Direct link to show HERE

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 6


After an episode without our mentor, Jeff Galloway once again joins us this episode for a discussion on SPEED. Not to be missed!

In addition, lets drop in on an old friend John Ellis. Well, John's not old but he's been a friend for a long time. Well, maybe he's kinda old. ;-)

A few submissions from some other cool folks and mentions about this stuff as well:

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show here

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 5


Obviously there's NO way we are going to STOP running in this heat, but there MUST be some things we can do to help up get the job done and stay upright!

In this episode, we talk about a few things that can do just that!

If you have other items or suggestions, SHARE!!!!!

Stuff mentioned in this episode:

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show here 

Thursday, 24 June 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 4


Man is time flying!!! If you are training along with the rest of us for a fall marathon, you are probably 4-6 weeks into your Galloway Schedule already and are watching your long runs grow to the 10-15 mile range.

The good news is that there is still plenty of time before we tow the line. The bad news might be we are only about half way to that magic mileage of 26.2.

Hang in there and let us all know how goes it!!!

Lots of good stuff this episode, including another conversation with Jeff Galloway AND a special guest who you may recognize.

Other good stuff mentioned in this episode:

Jeff Galloway
Jeff's Book "Run Till You're 100
Steve Runner, Phedippidations and Intervals

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show HERE

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 3


Suppose there is a way to discuss this whole Galloway RUN/WALK/RUN deal and mention chocolate chip cookies? Listen closely or you will miss the point!!~ ;-)

And if you have been running around aimlessly looking for a role model, listen up and you are welcome for the help.

But this one isn't JUST all about cookies and role models, it's CRAMMED full of great stuff including another talk with JEFF GALLOWAY!!!

Other stuff mentioned in today's episode:

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show HERE

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 2


So how is it going my little Guinea Pigs?

Hopefully you are digesting everything you can get your little claws on and beginning to know enough about this deal to decide if this might be what you are looking for.

So lets dig a little deeper, with the help of Jeff Galloway, answer some Guinea Pig questions, and decide where to go from here!

Check it out and please also make sure to look deeper into the stuff Jeff mentions in this episode. More details about that can be found at:

Enjoy your extra mile...

Direct link to show here

Friday, 2 April 2010

The Extra Mile Podcast Experiment- Episode 1

Welcome to episode one!!!

Lets dive in and see what all the talk is about The Jeff Galloway RUN/WALK/RUN training method and see if maybe, just maybe this thing is all it's cracked up to be!!

Your homework this week is to check out Jeff's web site at: and then maybe fork over a few bucks to buy his book: GALLOWAY TRAINING PROGRAMS

Read it cover to cover, and be ready to talk about it right here, on THE EXTRA MILE PODCAST EXPERIMENT

Direct link to show HERE